About Alternate

Hello. I am [rotate_words titles=”an artist., a Freelancer., a Graphic Designer., a female engineer UI/UX (Web Designer)., a Photographer., a Writer., a Typographer., a problem solver.”]
I live somewhere in the world.
I write about art, life, and things I do for fun.
Yes, I have many, many lifesavers!

[section_title align=”center” text=”SERVICES I CAN PROVIDE”]

[column width=”6″ width_lg=”3″]
[service icon=”brush” title=”Graphic Design” text=”I can design & create packaging, logos, business cards, posters, packing labels, typography, I can design type faces both digital & print, and so much more.”]
[column width=”6″ width_lg=”3″]
[service icon=”camera” title=”Photography” text=”I can provide photography services such as: weddings, portraits, graduating seniors (college & high school), events, etc..”]
[column width=”6″ width_lg=”3″]
[service icon=”beaker” title=”Web Development” text=”I can create websites and/or a website for you. I can also create WordPress websites as well as Blogger.”]
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[service icon=”music” title=”Writer” text=”I write my own poetry and am focused on children’s books and comics. However, I would love to do copy for a graphic design/advertising company.”]

[section_title align=”center” text=”FUN FACT”]

[column width_xs=”6″ width=”4″ width_md=”2″]
[fun_fact icon=”beaker” text=”2 1/2PROJECTS COMPLETED”]
[column width_xs=”6″ width=”4″ width_md=”2″]
[fun_fact icon=”keyboard” text= “MILLIONS OF LINES OF CODE”]
[column width_xs=”6″ width=”4″ width_md=”2″]
[fun_fact icon=”mic-outline” text=”0 PODCASTS RELEASED”]
[column width_xs=”6″ width=”4″ width_md=”2″]
[fun_fact icon=”pencil-alt” text=”1 ARTICLE WRITTEN”]
[column width_xs=”6″ width=”4″ width_md=”2″]
[fun_fact icon=”location-outline” text=”4 COUNTRIES VISITED”]
[column width_xs=”6″ width=”4″ width_md=”2″]
[fun_fact icon=”camera” text=”481 SHOTS CAPTURED VIA INSTAGRAM”]

[section_title align=”center” text=”latest from the blog”]

Click here to go to my blog.